R&D center was established in 2005 and the talent line-up
consisting of ultrasound specialists, radiation experts, softwareexperts was completed.
On the basis of know-how accumulated over 10 years,Nawoo anticipates an accurate future of
non-destructive testing and struggling for research and development through intellectual property.

tit_img R&D History
2012.07 Compounds radiation sensors and measurement
technology development (KAERI)
2012.01 Digital radiographic testing measurement system
development (radiation technology development laboraty)
Business cooperation support (Nawoo Laboratory))
Digital gamma image detection module development for radiographic testing
2008.03 Automatic ultrasonic testing module and C-scan test
program developmentt
2008.03 Collaboration for Next-Generation Radiology industrial
technology Regional Innovation Center ⁄ Ministry of Trade
Industry and Energy
US-NDT system under development
2007.07 Joint Technology Development Consortium
Development of exposure detectors for radiation workers
2006.04 Small Business Innovation Development Project
Non-destructive testing system for the detection of the reformer tube defects development
2005.07 Regional Innovation Consortium
Intelligent Ultrasonic Systems Development
2005.03 Power Industry R&D Programs
Detection failure error removed steam generator tube damage assessment techniques
2004.08 Small Business Innovation Development Project
Eddy current testing probe development (completed)
2002.07 Joint Technology Development Consortium
Gd conversion layer for neutron radiography and real-time video device development
tit_img 연구소 보유설비(S/W 부분) 2010-01-15 기준
품명 모델명 제조사 수량 용도
1 Auto CAD Auto CAD 2009 Auto desk 2 설계 도면(2D, 3D) 작성용
2 LapVIEW LapVIEW 8.0 NI 1 제어, 계측 용
프로그래밍 언어
3 SolideEdge Classic ST1 UGS 2 3D 설계 도면 작성 및
모델링 전용 소프트웨어
4 ES Beam Too ES Beam Tool3 Eclipse 1 UT, PAUT용
시물레이션 소프트웨어
5 Tomoview Tomoview 2.7R9 Olympus NDT
2 PAUT data
분석용 소프트웨어
6 Multiview Multiview 6.0R8 Olympus NDT
2 Tubing data
분석용 소프트웨어
7 Carto Carto 2.3 Cybectec 1 Tubing data
관리용 소프트웨어
8 ECT Imedance GPIB Tester Nawoo 1 ECT Probe 특성(임피던스외)
실험용 소프트웨어
9 Digital Osilloscope TDS3032A Tektronix 1 전기적 신호 및 현상 계측기
(2채널 컬러모드)
10 Waveform Generator 33220A Agilent 1 임의 파형 발생기
11 Digit Multimeter 34401A Agilent 1 직류,교류의 전압, 전류, 저항
12 Controler NI-PXI-1031 NI 1 테스트,측정 및 컨트롤을 위한
개방된 PC 기반의 플랫폼
13 TESET138B TESETE138B Olympus 1 MS5800 교정용
Tool Kit
14 Digital HiTESTER 3803 HIOKI 2 휴대용 직류,교류의 전압, 전류, 저항
16 Coil Winder DW-210A DAE-A 1 코일 자동 권선기
(와전류프로브 제작용)
17 Coil Winder N/A 광원사 1 코일 자동 권선기
(고압 트랜스 제작용-구형)
18 Coil Winder N/A 광원사 1 코일 자동 권선기
(고압 트랜스 제작용-신형)
19 Coil Winder N/A DAE-A 1 코일 자동 권선기
(와전류프로브 제작용-구형)